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For players who want to get
more practice and build confidence.
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1) CHAMPIONS will receive a Trophy and a free team party vouchers sponsored by a local restaurant.

    Teams or players with a pending balance cannot play until they have paid in full their pending balance, 

    a late fee of $5, plus their new registration fee. Follow the "pay to play" rule. NO EXCEPTIONS!




1. Have a team meeting to ensure all players know the rules.
2. Control teammates and your/their spectators.
3. Represent your team during league meetings.
4. Team uniform must have the same color jersey.
5. Teams do not pay referees.
6. Ensure that all team members are properly registered and have been added to  

    the team roster prior playing.
7. Team Rosters should be submitted 1week before the team’s first game.
8. Fees must be paid in full before the game. If your players arrive late and have not

    paid or properly registered, send them to see a 365 SC representative for further

    instructions before playing, otherwise; 365 SC management has to disqualify

    your team.

9. All players have to sign 365 SC liability waver BEFORE the game.

10. If captains/ team managers decide to let any person play without proper

      registration and fee payment, the team will received an automatic AD (automatic

      disqualify) and will forfeit the game, plus the extra player's registration fee. NO



1. Every player’s fee must be paid to hold the team’s spot in the league one week

    prior kick-off. Minimum of 8 players per team. 

a. This fee is non-refundable unless the tournament/league does not form.
2. The team's fee must be paid in full one week prior to the first game. Individuals

    must pay prior each game ( late players or free agents ONLY ).
3. There are no refunds given for games missed due to injuries, illnesses,

    suspensions, work, school or travel.

4. If a player wants to play for a few games or "just to try it", each game fee is $5

    per game maximum of 2 games for regular season. No play-offs.

    After the 2nd game, the player must pay the regular registration fee. NO




1. One of the teams must change shirts if there is a conflict. We encourage teams to bring an alternate 

2. Vests can be rented for $5 each.
3. Vest with number may be purchased for $10 each.
4. All players must wear same color shirt or vest.

5. All players must wear shin guards and socks.



1. To be eligible for a tournament, a player must meet the tournament criteria and

     must be on the 365 Sports Complex approved roster. NO EXCEPTIONS!
2. Players can only play for one team.  Unless their team dissolves due to non-

    payment or other circumstances, players will be placed in different active teams. 

3. There is no limit of players on the roster. Players must be 17 years old or older to play. 17 year old players must present a parental consent and liability waiver signed by his/her parents. 
4. Violation of any of the above may mean forfeiture of the game.


Team Roster – This is the roster that shows your eligible players for the tournament. Only players who had registered, signed the liability waiver, and paid their fee will be added to the team roster. There is no limit of players.
1. Fielding Your Team
a. Teams in the 8 VS 8 18+ Age or 17+ with parental consent groups consist of eight players (7 + 

    goalkeeper). Minimum one female on the field, and maximum of 7 males on the field. Maximum of 8 

    females on the field.
2. Once a player is on the roster, they must remain on the roster until the tournament ends.
3. Players may be added to the team at any time during the tournament except the semifinals and finals.
4. A game may start with as few as 5 players. There is no grace period for late teammates.

5. Violation of any of the above may mean forfeiture of the game.


1. During games, referees should understand that upon a 5-goal differential, the trailing team may add an additional player. When the game gets within 3 goals, the additional player must be removed. We do this in the interest of keeping games competitive.



1. Game schedules will be released 5 days before the tournament starts.
2. Once the schedule is released, there is a $5 fee for rescheduled games. When a schedule request is

    made, the fee must be paid by the captain of the team before the game is changed.
3. The opponent team may decline the reschedule and accept the forfeit win. If that is the case, there is no

    fee charged.
4. Re-schedule requests must be submitted 5 days prior their game.



1. Team's captain /team manager must check-in with 365 Sports Complex

    management members before they enter the competition.
2. The referee decides who kicks off the first half. Teams switch sides at halftime.
3. Games will start on time. If a team does not have 5 players (4 plus a GK), then a

    forfeit win will be awarded to the team that is prepared to play with a score of 3

    goals. The 3 goals will be given to the top goalscorer or will be distributed by the

    team's captain of the winning team.

4. All players must wear shin guards and socks. NO EXCEPTIONS.



1. Players and Game Length
a. Substitutions are made “on the fly”, but players may not enter the field of play

    until the player coming out is completely off the field during the

    substitution. The referee will use discretion if there is a substitution violation.
b. A game consists of 2 periods of 25 minutes each. There is a 5 minute break

    between periods. The referee has the option to control the time in the event of a

    close game. This allows the referee to manage teams which may be trying to

    delay the game for their benefit.

c. If a team decides to walk away during a game, it will be consider a forfeit

    regardless if the team was winning. 

2. Penalty Kicks are taken from the penalty mark.

3. A Ball Out of Play refers to any time the ball leaves the field of play by completely

    crossing the touchline/sideline or goal line. A sideline restart allows the player to

    restart the game by passing the ball in with their feet. The ball must be place outside

    the line and should not be moving. The ball has to be pass to another player

    before attempting to score a goal.

4. Goal kicks can pass the center line.

5. Goal throws can pass the center line. Every time the goalkeeper grabs the

    ball and stops the play, it will be consider as a goal throw.

5. Corner kicks can be treated as direct kicks.



a. Goals are scored as one point. A goal is scored when the entire ball has passed over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar, provided it has not been intentionally thrown, carried, or propelled by the hand or arm of a player on the attacking side.


1. Champions will be determined based on winning the semi-final and

    final (championship).
2. When teams are tied at the end of the quarter-final, semi-final or final, each team

    will play an additional 5 minutes.
a. If the score is still a tied after overtime play, the teams will begin a 5 penalty

   shoot-out to determine the winner.

c. If the score is still a tied after the 5 penalty shoot-out, then the referee will begin

    another 5 penalty shoot-out. If the score is still tied at this point, then the penalty

    kicks will continue until one team has score more using the 5 penalty shoot-out


d. 5 Penalty shoot-out rule: is a one time series of 5 penalties.

c. A player CANNOT shoot twice in the same "5 penalty shoot-out" series.



1. If two teams are tied with the same points after all the games are played, the

    team that has the best goal difference wins, goals favor, and goals against.


1. Fouls are called as Indirect or Direct based on the infraction.
2. Infractions occurring within the Penalty Box that are Indirect in nature will be

    taken from the nearest spot on the goalie area.
3. No Slide Tackles - Slide tackles are defined as a player leaving their feet, and

    at least 1 knee touches the ground in an attempt to challenge an opponent with 

    a  ball.  Goalkeepers within the goalkeeper can slide hands first and 

    towards the front of the goalkeepers body (goal keeper's discretion). No feet first

    slide tackles are allowed, Goal Keepers are treated like a field player outside the

    goal keepers box.

4. Goalkeepers may throw, kick or set the ball down to play it.

    -Goalkeepers may receive a yellow card if he/she commits a hand ball violation 

    outside the goalkeeper's area/ penalty area. GK must serve the 2 minute penalty.

5. Personal Fouls and Foul Counts

    - A Personal Foul is defined as any foul that involves contact or non-contact with another   

    player:  Sliding, Kicking, Tripping, Pushing, Hitting, boarding and interference.

    Personal fouls are also: Gum Violation, Spitting, Disrespect of Facility, Arguing 

    with the Referee, Foul Language (whether aimed at anyone or not, the ref can

    award a Personal Foul for vulgar language) Verbal or physical abuse to a referee,  teammate, opponent,

    fan, or 365SC management members. Unfair and prejudicial treatment towards any person or group.

    Discriminatory phrases or words against another person. Examples include, but are not limited to

    personal attacks based on race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation and physical abilities.

    - A Personal Foul is not: Hand Ball unless it is intentional.

    - Personal Fouls are tracked by the referee. Once a player reaches 3 personal 

    fouls, they are disqualified from the remainder of the game. They may play in the

    next game, if they are not red carded.

    - Team Fouls are tracked by the referee. Once a team reaches 5 personal fouls in a half, the 6th foul and

    any subsequent fouls during that half will result in a Penalty Kick for the opponent.

    - If the Referee plays advantage on a foul committed, the referee will count it toward the amount of

    team fouls. In other words, an advantage played does not negate the foul

    by an individual.

6. When restarting a new play in a throw in or free kick, players must keep a minimum of 5 yards from the sideline, corner, or starting point. 1st offense will be a warning. 2nd offense a yellow card a



1. Personal fouls against women is defined as any foul that involves contact or non-contact with the 

    female player, for example, Sliding, Kicking, Tripping, slapping,   Pushing, Hitting, boarding and


2. Male players must keep one arm distance while challenging the ball against a women player during

    offense and defense.

3. No shoulder to shoulder between male and female players.

4 Shoulder to shoulder permitted between female players. 

5 Shoulder to shoulder permitted between male players.

6. Female players can challenge another female player with out the arm distance rule.  





1. Volunteers

a. 365 SC uses volunteer referees to keep low cost registrations and open-play for the


b. 365 SC might hire an outside referees for special circumstances only.

    - No volunteers available.

    -Conflict between schedules.

c. If a team falls under "special circumstances" and 365 SC  has to hire an outside referee, the team 

   requesting the change must pay the referee's fee BEFORE the game. Referee's fee ranges between $40

   and $60 per game.

  -If the team brings a volunteer referee and the other team agrees, there will be no fee to pay.

d. Interested in becoming a Licensed Referee? Ask Jay or Adris for more info.



Texas Penal Code § 22.01 (e-4) Assault.

a. Crime: Commits the crime of assault against a sports participant.

b. Penalty: Class B misdemeanor: up to 180 days in prison, up to $2,000 fine, or both.

c. Covered Officials: Anyone who participates in an official capacity. Includes a referee, umpire, and linesman. see Texas Penal Code § 22.01 (e-4) Assault. for more information and details.

d. Covered events: Interscholastic, intercollegiate, or organized amateur or professional athletic competition.

2. 365 Sports Complex is an organized amateur competition facilities according to the Texas Penal Code § 22.01




Yellow Cards

1. Yellow Cards can be given by the referee for the following infractions:

a. Serious or Intentional Foul (Restart Result = Direct Kick)

b. Goalkeeper commits a hand ball violation outside the goalkeeper's area/ penalty area.

c. Use of foul language after a verbal warning is given to the entire team. (Restart Result = Indirect Kick).

d. Verbal or physical abuse to a referee, teammate, opponent, fan, or 365SC management members. 

    Unfair and prejudicial treatment towards any person or group. Discriminatory phrases or words against

    another person. Examples include but are not limited to: personal attacks based on race, gender, age,

    religion, sexual orientation and physical abilities. (Restart Result = Indirect Kick).

e. Spitting on the field of play. (Restart Result = Indirect Kick).

f. Persistent violation of game rules.

g. Not listening to the referee for sideline distance.

g.1 first offense = verbal warning

g.2 Second offense = yellow card (2 minutes out)

2. When a Yellow card is shown to an individual on the field or the bench area, it means that the team

   must play a man down for the next two (2) minutes.

a. If the team who is playing with fewer players gets scored on, then the team may immediately return a

   player to the field (except for the player who was sent off).

b. If the team has no other players, then they will continue to play short until the time penalty is served.

c. If a GK is given a yellow card, they must serve the penalty. Another player may rotate into the goal,

   provided they are marked as a GK by having a different color shirt. The team still must play down until

   the penalty is served.


Red Cards

Red Cards will be given to players for:

1. Fighting, Retaliating, or Attempting to Start a Fight.

2. Violent conduct: kicking or striking another player or official.

3. Verbal or physical abuse to a referee, teammate, opponent, fan, or 365SC management members.

    Unfair and prejudicial treatment towards any person or group. Discriminatory phrases or words against

    another person. Examples include but are not limited to: personal attacks based on race, gender, age,

    religion, sexual orientation and physical abilities.

4. Spitting at an Opponent, player or officials on the sideline, or on the field.

5. A Second Yellow Card

6. If a red card is shown, the receiving player is suspended for the remainder of the game and MUST

   LEAVE 365 SC facility.

a. If red carded player is in the bench area, team must select one player on the playing field to sit out and

    play one man/woman down for the remaining of the game. Non-red carded player can substitute

    another player.

b. If the player refuses to leave the facility, 365 SC has the right to call the proper authorities for refusing

    to leave a private property and he/she might be sued for trespassing. In addition, he/she will be ban

    from 365 SC permanently.

7. The referee has the option to not resume the game until the red carded player is out of the facility.

8. Red Carded players MUST sit out the next game. No Exceptions.

9. If the Red Card is issued in the team’s final game of the season, then the player will serve his

    suspension during his next game, regardless of the team or tournament and pay the penalty fee.

10. 2 Red Cards. The player will not be able to play for two consecutive tournaments.

a. At discretion of 365 SC managing members/owners, 365 SC will ban the player or spectator

    permanently. Remember, 365 Sports Complex is a PRIVATE FACILITY and reserves the right to refuse

    entry and/or service to ANY PERSON.  



1. 365 SC management may issue a multiple game suspension for any action that the staff deems as


2. These actions include, but are not limited to:

a. Fighting, retaliating, foul and/or abusive language directed at another player, referee, manager, or

    patron, or conduct detrimental to the business.

b. If the management seems necessary, they may suspend the player multiple weeks.


Penalty Points will be assessed to each team and these penalty points accumulate over the course of the season.



$10 fee every 5 penalty points. The team must pay the performance bond to register for the next tournament.


1) Penalty Points are awarded as follows.
a. 1 point – Yellow Card
b. 2 points – Red Card


2) Individual Accumulation of Penalty Points.
a. 2 points = player must sit out one game. ( see 365 SC management sanctions)

b. 4 points = player must sit out two games. ( see 365 SC management sanctions)
c. 6 points = player is disqualify from the tournament. ( see 365 SC management sanctions)


Please write down the complaint, and it will be read by
the management; provided it is a fact-based complaint validated with supporting evidence.



Chose your 8 VS 8 Team
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